Monday, January 4, 2016

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone!  We lucked out with some amazing weather this year, especially for the annual Champagne at Elbow Beach Christmas day festivities.  John and Elise enjoyed their Christmas. Elise was dead set on opening everyone's presents and John chewed on some wrapping paper.  Elise picked up a sweet new ride and now she is in training for her first bike races. Hope everyone out there had a great day!


(she looks so grown up!!!!!)


The lead up to Christmas - December 2015

Christmas season came and went this year with sunshine, Christmas parties and many many Santa sightings.  Elise seems to like the idea of Santa and likes that reindeer come to her house. But don't ask her to sit on Santa's lap, even if the man behind the white beard is her own father. At the last minute I was swindled into subbing for Santa at the company kids Christmas party and out of 30+ kids my lovely daughter was the only one who wouldn't come up for her present!

John hit 5 months and he is rocking and rolling all over the place. All smiles all the time.