Sunday, September 20, 2015

Summer is coming to a close - John at 2 months

John is two months old and doing great. A smiley child he is, much like his sister. At his two month appointment he weighed in at 13lbs 3oz. Big Boy.  
There has been no shortage of activities over the past few weeks.The beach, the zoo, the playzone, swimming on Sunday's at Auntie Jess and Uncle Kevin's pool and Tucker's goat farm to name a few.  

First day of nursery for my little princess

Elise has officially started nursery.  2 mornings a week for now.  Just enough time for Mommy to take a bit of a breather from the hectic 2 child life.  Elise has really enjoyed her first few days as they have all sorts of new toys to play with.

Recently Elise and I got to talking about Cinderella. I asked her if she had a Prince Charming.  She replied "No, I have a Daddy."  
If only she could stay this age forever...minus the two year old tantrums of course.

John 6 and 7 weeks

Playing a little catch up with these ones.  John at 6 and 7 weeks and few pictures of a super helpful Elise putting together John's crib.  I figured if I had Elise help me put the crib together and the crib falls apart at some point then I can place the blame on Elise's building skills.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Amanda received a great birthday present this year.  John started smiling for the first time on her Birthday.  Finally some feedback!